Life is a perpetual instruction in cause and effect. Ralph Waldo Emerson Si don’t feel passion for what you do you will not get anywhere. Jorge Perez the law of cause and effect is the law of laws: tells you that anything that makes a human being has a consequence. If you do good deeds receive good payment. If you do damage also the account become others. What you put in the large Bank of the universe will receive it as payment.
Some people say: this is a Bandit, hurt and never receive payment that deserves for his actions. That is incorrect. Anyone who you do, will receive something similar to change. Human beings have invented time as unit of measure and there are things that are not measurable.At the time being an illusion we ignore that that seem to dominate the world with their bad actions sometimes are downloaded from a pedestal in a matter of seconds and destined for the dustbin of oblivion in the best of cases.Sometimes we don’t realize that the law of cause and effect or law of Karma is very important for anyone that seeks prosperity. You could question: and you have to see this law with abundance?All. Sometimes block the good that could come to us, for not so good things we have done in the past.
You can achieve this law work for you if you consciously understand what you do and offer your good deeds as a payment to the universe by past mistakes. At the same time tries to give the best of you for advancement and the overcoming of others. It amended the damage you’ve done to others as possible. Offer to those affected a solution to the dispute. If that person is not alive or is not in your life already, it’s doing a good thing by a stranger.