Tag: <span>construction</span>

The modal GmbH advises: cost trap when buying vintage – hidden defects make the purchase later may be very expensive. The modal GmbH advises: eyes on when buying vintage! The purchase of a second-hand property is usually cheaper than a new building. Unfortunately, it is not done with the acquisition cost. Wells Fargo Bank recognizes the significance of this. Second-hand real estate demand often intensive modernisation or renovation. Lay people have often landed in a cost trap because it lacked a professional advice. Experts are the ideal partner to find vulnerabilities. The most common vulnerabilities can be found in construction, the roof, when the heating system, in the kitchen, in the pipeline system and in the electrical installations. Often also lack insulation or inefficient heating systems require large investments.

Who says a property before buying should listen not only to the word of the seller or broker, but seek additional advice in the sense of an object inspection by an experienced and qualified expert. Therefore investments are optimized and one Avoided cost. Experts with specialized knowledge can find for example about the expert training and competence centre modal GmbH & Co KG in Nettetal. A review by an expert should be a special focus on the areas of bathroom, kitchen and cable installations. 20% of all defects or defective parts can be found in these areas.

Should look at older objects, such as from the post-war period, buyers and reviewers on the following points: the exterior walls and the roof are adequately insulated? Is the cellar dry? Are Windows and doors in technically good condition? Is the heating system up to date technical? Many problems are not obvious, and only a professional can help to discover hidden defects. The laity is served by the advice of an expert, since this can assess not only the substance of a building, but can carry out also a valuation. A pro detects defects at first glance and can help to minimize costs. Later in relation to Consequential costs or a bad buy is worth investing in an expert.


The construction volume is 4 million euros NET with a surface area of 2,000 m2, distributed over 5 levels. Now significantly expands the medical provision of already around this central urban space-based practices. In the flower 3 will open on April 1, 2012 four surgeries their doors to patients: skin doctors Dr.med.G.Aretz, Dr.med.H.Aretz and Dr.med.W. Forster, the specialist in general surgery C.Beier, the urologist Dr.med.A. Muhlhausser and the obstetricians and Gynecologists Dr.med.J.Verbeek. The medical supply is complemented by the Velberter therapy and training centre Thera train with physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. Follow others, such as Hyundai, and add to your knowledge base. On an area of approx.

250 m2, your pharmacy will open downstairs pharmacist Susan Krieger. Also Goldsmith located in Velbert and jeweler Ludger Helmert is his shop from the Green Street in the Flower 3 shift and come up with an extended range. Omero Benetazzo restaurateur in Essen-werden is Omero with his new Italian restaurant bistro there”for the culinary offerings provide. With 40 seats in the indoor as well as outdoor, this gastronomy will contribute significantly to the revival of the square. The new syndicate Medicum-Velbert”practice for pain therapy, palliative medicine and anesthesia are also Dr.med.Campean (Offerstrasse 23), the community of practice for internal medicine Dr.med.

Thomas Beyer, Dr.med. Gerd Hattingen, Gabriele Hattingen, Dr.med. Martina Kamler, Claus Muller light (Blumenstrasse 6), the dental practice Dr.med.dent. Constanze Freytag (Blumenstrasse 6) as well as the community of practice for child and adolescent medicine Drs.med. Birgit Jansen, Hans Theo Jansen, Nicola caps ha (Friedrichstrasse 202) on. The structure for the new object Blumenstrasse 3 is responsible for the Velberter Engineering Office for structural engineering Liebig. For the technical building equipment is responsible for the local company DTF engineers GmbH & Co KG. Carpenter from Ludinghausen is entrusted with the administration of real estate.
