Software GmbH Stefan Rocker

Grau Data on the DMS EXPO 2013 data easily and securely between business partners exchanging with agorum, it needs a protected and trusted space. Exactly for this purpose, the agorum Software GmbH developed a highly secure platform: the DatRoom allows in the future to provide documents from the DMS such as Web-based agorum core online or offline through various clients for Windows, Mac and Linux and mobile devices. Thus, the DMS manufacturer offers a solid in-house solution which puts highest data security and provides control territory companies, because when exchanging data is always indirectly on the DMS resorted. A genuine, safe alternative to file sharing services that work together with external database provider on the Internet. Learn more about the DatRoom, which was created in cooperation with grey data AG, prospects on the DMS EXPO 2013, stand 5C63. Ostfildern 06.09.2013 agorum with the DatRoom the open source document management system core is a smooth data exchange between companies and guarantees such as suppliers, partners, or customers. The application combines the strengths of a file sharing system with which a DMS: the DatRoom is among other things browser-and operating system-independent, can be used Web-based and offline, promotes cross-site data exchange and any kind of device integrates into DMS workflow.

In addition, companies control all the permissions and accesses to documents with the DatRoom itself. It can be sent for example access links which are periods for certain and concede, for example, read, change, or upload right. In addition the agorum is intuitive and self explanatory to use core add-on module and the recipient of access links requires no own DMS to access documents in it. In the framework of the DMS EXPO 2013 from 24th to 26th September 2013, the agorum Software GmbH together with the technology partner Grau data AG introduces the data exchange platform. The release of agorum core DatRooms is planned for early 2014, as the module is currently in the development stage.

DMS Expo 2013 date note: Open source document management, agorum Software GmbH when: Tuesday, 24th to Thursday, 26.09.2013 where: Stuttgart Exhibition Centre, Hall 5, stand 5 C 63 more information about the company: further information on the DMS Expo: l/agorum-dms-expo-2013 agorum where-it-works / document management system core: the agorum Software GmbH is the manufacturer of the open source document management system agorum core. The company celebrates its 15th anniversary in 2013, because it exists since 1998 in Ostfildern/Nellingen, close to Stuttgart Airport. From 2002 the development of agorum core started in 2008 the two Managing Directors decided Rolf lang and Oliver Schulze, the DMS to provide open source software. Since then, agorum has established core as a highly flexible and easy to use document management system/enterprise-content-management-system in the market. Distributed and integrated is the DMS directly from the Manufacturer or about the approximately 50 contractual partners in Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and of Switzerland. Press contact: agorum Software GmbH Stefan Rocker / Natalie Swiss E-Mail: / bird Valentina str.