
They had been moved away to be certifyd of the window, and they had been surpresos because it was the Treasure-house. Irritated for the impotence of not being able to unmask the mystery, fear of somebody being dead and the responsibility of the assumed mission they had made the youngster to take the key and to walk in almost suicidal steps for the interior, but it was warned by Argolo sergeant that had care. Obedient and disciplined, the step refreou and started to observe the cantos of the rooms, after having distributed the staff, of form that nobody was disgarnished. If it had somebody, doubtlessly, would be obliged to denounce its hiding place, certain of that the invader could not have been in the room and to have IDO for another one. No matter how hard they looked for, when the first solar rays appeared in the horizon, had been obliged to recognize that all the dependences were in the most perfect order, without suspicious, bombs or the least a simple microphone, therefore was one of objects of the attention of the commission agent, when remembering what it finds in its house. In return to police station, many minutes had not been transferred, heard the telephone, that Alberto took care of and empalideceu. The friends had noticed that its fisionomia passed of the surprise for the incontida anger, until in the height of the irritation, it freed a terrible shout in palavro form, disconnect and it bradou: _ I go to catch this face! I go to kill this face! When I to botar the hands in this face, it go to repent myself to have been born! The son of puta did not have shame to bind to this hour of the morning, pra to enjoy with my face. He only bound pra to ask if I had arrested somebody in the night that I passed walking for the street, with crossbow face. .